The intrusive nature of the pat downs needs to stop and better ways of scanning needs to be develop so this matter can be put to rest. It also doesn't hurt to give the TSA "thugs" as many would like to call them, sensitivity training. The video above is among many of videos that will demonstrate my point exactly. That poor girl had a concussion, her arms were twisted so far behind her back that they nearly popped off, and also not to the mention the psychological damage she will have to endure for a while. Instead of introducing a new technology such as the body scanner, maybe we can focus more on the betterment of the metal detectors. Perhaps we can make them much more sensitive to detect various elements are needed to make an explosive device. In conclusion, what have we learned? We do not need to be exposed to anymore radiation than we already are exposed to on a daily basis so that we can fly. This is not the Fallout World and gaining radiation does not give anyone any special abilities like glowing in the dark. Another thing that we can learn from this is, is that the TSA needs to stop hiring random thugs off the streets or straight from out of prison to be agents. Please don't get me wrong, I'm all for rehabilitating criminals so they can be reintroduced into society but this is too much of kick to start them out with. I know this thugs and criminals things has been used to death but I think it is still the best reference to use when watching TSA agents work.
Video of the Week - Jon Steward Raps Out Faux News... LOL...
Friday, April 29, 2011
TSA: Thugs Sexually Assaulting
Ever since 9/11, this country has been in inflamed in a new wave of paranoia. There are people and governmental bodies who are becoming increasingly suspicious of foreigners, especially ones who were from the Middle East. Even people that aren't from the middle but look like one were given "the eye". New government agencies were formed and people in security were trained better in ways of looking out for danger. There have been already two other waves of paranoia prior to this recent one and they were back in the 1950's. That is when everyone in the United States were afraid of the "red scare". The raising power of communism freaked people out like no other because they were so paranoid and misinformed. Also back then, our CIA agents were trained better to look for suspicious activities relating to communism and probably new government bodies were created to look into that matter. The main point I will try to get at in this blog is that, this country will go to great lengths to try control the situation even if people's basic civil liberties get in the way. In this blog, I will highlight the situations where the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) would use such outrageous tactics to basically bully people in the name of safety.
First of all, lets look into the statistics regarding TSA's new procedures and devices for "safety". Over 64 percent of Americans say they approve of the new body scanners and 32 percent said they opposed. They polled only 514 people and they seem to have a saying for the rest of us. I, myself, highly disapprove of such a device, not only due to health reasons and also for your basic privacy reasons. "Experts" say that the amount of radiation from those body scanners are well within normal limits and the radiation that you are exposed to are equivalent to that of flying in an airplane. Wait a darn minute, if I'm already been exposed to radiation while flying why would I want more radiation as an appetizer prior to fly??? Do those experts even know what they are talking about? Radiation causes mutations which can cause cancer and last time I checked, there isn't a cure for cancer yet. Please, I must insist on passing on the radiation appetizer prior to receiving more radiation. You can say that I am scared of radiation and I stress the issue too much, but let us be serious, do you honestly want to be exposed to more radiation? I think not and until they can provide with much safe alternatives to X-rays, I will always will be in opposition. Also, the thought of some random person seeing your privates is so awkward and wrong.
Alright, lets move right along to the second part of the poll conducted about the new tactics that the TSA is using. About 48 percent of Americans (by Americans, they mean 514 people) thought the pat downs are justified and 50 percent thought it gone too far. These are close numbers but I think it does put into perspective that most Americans are more or less against the new pat down procedures. I would be riding shotgun with the ones that are against of course. Many people say that the pat downs aren't too bad and if you want to fly, quit your whining. I would say to those people, please get your head screwed on straight and it is very sad that you don't even recognize when your basic civil liberties are being infringed upon. Other people will say, it is for safety. What is it that we are trying to be safe from? Are we anymore safe from terrorists than before we had these new devices and procedures? The only thing that these new additions are doing is fueling our paranoia of everyone inside and outside of America. The terrorists are probably watching our news and laughing out loud in their caves right now and having a good life watching us act so ridiculous against our own people. My family and I don't fly as much, maybe every 5-7 years but even that is enough to oppose such an abusive piece of work. I can't imagine for the people who have to fly everyday and even though they might not have to be pat down each time, it can still be very frustrating and awkward for someone you don't know to keep groping you day in and out.
The intrusive nature of the pat downs needs to stop and better ways of scanning needs to be develop so this matter can be put to rest. It also doesn't hurt to give the TSA "thugs" as many would like to call them, sensitivity training. The video above is among many of videos that will demonstrate my point exactly. That poor girl had a concussion, her arms were twisted so far behind her back that they nearly popped off, and also not to the mention the psychological damage she will have to endure for a while. Instead of introducing a new technology such as the body scanner, maybe we can focus more on the betterment of the metal detectors. Perhaps we can make them much more sensitive to detect various elements are needed to make an explosive device. In conclusion, what have we learned? We do not need to be exposed to anymore radiation than we already are exposed to on a daily basis so that we can fly. This is not the Fallout World and gaining radiation does not give anyone any special abilities like glowing in the dark. Another thing that we can learn from this is, is that the TSA needs to stop hiring random thugs off the streets or straight from out of prison to be agents. Please don't get me wrong, I'm all for rehabilitating criminals so they can be reintroduced into society but this is too much of kick to start them out with. I know this thugs and criminals things has been used to death but I think it is still the best reference to use when watching TSA agents work.
The intrusive nature of the pat downs needs to stop and better ways of scanning needs to be develop so this matter can be put to rest. It also doesn't hurt to give the TSA "thugs" as many would like to call them, sensitivity training. The video above is among many of videos that will demonstrate my point exactly. That poor girl had a concussion, her arms were twisted so far behind her back that they nearly popped off, and also not to the mention the psychological damage she will have to endure for a while. Instead of introducing a new technology such as the body scanner, maybe we can focus more on the betterment of the metal detectors. Perhaps we can make them much more sensitive to detect various elements are needed to make an explosive device. In conclusion, what have we learned? We do not need to be exposed to anymore radiation than we already are exposed to on a daily basis so that we can fly. This is not the Fallout World and gaining radiation does not give anyone any special abilities like glowing in the dark. Another thing that we can learn from this is, is that the TSA needs to stop hiring random thugs off the streets or straight from out of prison to be agents. Please don't get me wrong, I'm all for rehabilitating criminals so they can be reintroduced into society but this is too much of kick to start them out with. I know this thugs and criminals things has been used to death but I think it is still the best reference to use when watching TSA agents work.
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About Me

- Andy Nguyen
- I am a 21 year old student getting the transfer credits out of the way so I can transfer to pharmacy school (I hope).I wasn't born in the states but was practically raised in Austin but I have moved around a bit. I think the fact that I wasn't born here and have knowledge of another culture, I can sort of see over the "veil" that is so called American culture and politics. I am a liberal as proven to me by the online test that we had to take in Professor Seago's US politics class. Before that, I wasn't all that sure. Living in a spot of blue in a sea of red, to me is quite amusing. I believe that we need more liberal thinkers in this state in order to solve many of the state's problems. I am taking the class so that I can further my knowledge of Texas politics and stay ahead of the ignorant mass that plague this state and country. I feel proud to be living in a bastion of liberalism however, it is still not enough to provoke the Texas government into twisting its head on back on. I do hope in the future to move on and live in a state where people care about each other and think as a community as opposed to living in a traditional and individualistic state such as Texas.
This post really reinforces the fact that we need to make the government government get rid of the TSA. They are quite honestly the epitome of incompetence, and are only "stepping up security" to look less ignorant and more intimidating. As you said, "Over 64 percent of Americans say they approve of the new body scanners and 32 percent said they opposed. They polled only 514 people." WOW! A whole whopping 514 people! That's almost the size of Weir, Texas. The credibility of this poll is highly suspect, and a much more reputable source (CBS) found that 83% of people polled believed that the scans and pat-downs are an invasion of civil liberties, and that 96% of people polled will actually change their vacation plans to avoid having to deal with the TSA.
ReplyDeleteA college student named Rebecca Solomon had to deal with an a**clown of a TSA employee. The worker planted a bag of white powder in her luggage, then made her explain how it got there. After she cried and tried to explain how she'd never seen the bag in her life, the employye tells her he's just joking. WOW, great prank! The man was fired, but deserves far worse. However, what really gets me is the molestation. Sure you can make the claim that there's a need to pat down people who beep at the metal detector, but there's hardly a need to pat down most people, especially the children. Do they REALLY believe children are terrorists? Sure, they terrorize adults every once and a while, but who's really going to strap a bomb on a kid and send them to an airport? The body scanners are completely unnecessary, expensive, and no studies have been tested on the radiation exposure. Dr. Michael Love from John Hopkins University School of Medicine claims that "statistically someone is going to get skin cancer from these x-rays." Sounds safe to me!
Hopefully more people read this blog so that we're all informed about how vile the TSA is and how we can put an end to the abuse and ignorance.